No ART Around

2013 / No ART Around / Reading performance in cooperation with Angela Ljiljanic / Bad Oeynhausen (D)

No ART around going on tour!
At the invitation of artist Angela Ljiljanic a culinary reading will take place on Saturday 11th May at 7:30 pm in Bad Oeynhausen. In cooperation with Angela Ljiljanic dilettantin produktionsbüro stages an empty thai restaurant and invites you for an evening between seduction, pleasure and the question of art.

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2012 / No ART Around – About the (Im)possibility to Operate a Restaurant as Art / Artist book, discourse reader / The Green Box / Berlin

From 2007 to 2010, dilettantin produktionsbüro in Bremen ran the dining room project ‘dreijahre’ (threeyears), a conceptual restaurant, that was based on the question: Can this be art?
“A restaurant with a café and bar: The table is set, the time is limited. A digital countdown is metering the days. 1095, ie three years, on the border between art and gastronomy, the seen and the unseen, the banal and the extraordinary, the sensual and the spiritual.”

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By Michael Glasmeier

It was not merely regret, it felt more like a melancholic void that I have not been able to shake ever since, true to its inner logic, dreijahre restaurant closed down for good in 2010. As a guest, I was wonderfully taken care of to such an extent that, though well aware of it, I had managed to repress all thought of the digital tick-tock that counted down the time remaining for this art project by dilettantin produktionsbüro which had been set up in 2007. And then, in a good mood as usual expecting a feast, I suddenly encountered a locked door, and the question presented itself: Where to go in Bremen? Where to meet friends and acquaintances, where to have business, conspiratorial, silly and professional talks? Not that there weren’t any restaurants in this city, there were just none that compared.

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