Snippets ready to copy and paste in your posts and pages.
All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was playing in a garden, and she plucked another flower and ran with it to her mother. I suppose she must have looked rather delightful, for Mrs. Darling put her hand to her heart and cried, “Oh, why can’t you remain like this for ever!” This was all that passed between them on the subject, but henceforth Wendy knew that she must grow up. You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end.
A mix of them
The default value is grey, so you don’t need to declare it. Other colors are: yellow, green, red, blue, purple and black.
[button color="yellow"]...[/button]
[button color="green"]...[/button]
[button color="red"]...[/button]
[button color="blue"]...[/button]
[button color="purple"]...[/button]
[button color="black"]...[/button]
Default Grey
Default Yellow
Default Green
Default Red
Default Blue
Default Purple
Default Black
The default value is small, so you don’t need to declare it. Other size available are: extra-small, medium, large and extra-large.
[button color="blue" size="extra-small"]...[/button]
[button color="blue"]...[/button]
[button color="blue" size="medium"]...[/button]
[button color="blue" size="large"]...[/button]
[button color="blue" size="extra-large"]...[/button]
Extra Small
Extra Large
The default value is square, so you don’t need to declare it. Other type available are: round and pill.
[button color="blue"]...[/button]
[button color="blue" type="round"]...[/button]
[button color="blue" type="pill"]...[/button]
Square Button
Round Button
Pill Button
The default value is inline-block, so you don’t need to declare it. Other display available are: inline and block.
[button color="blue"]...[/button]
[button color="blue" display="inline"]...[/button]
[button color="blue" display="block"]...[/button]
Inline-Block Display
Inline Display
Block Display
Basic Usage:
[button url=""]...[/button]
Advanced Usage:
Other options are:
> Target (default “_self”) with value: “_blank” and “_parent”.
> Rel
> Class: you can add your custom class
> Title
[button url="" color="red" size="extra-large" type="round" target="_blank" rel="publisher" class="custom" title="Custom Button" display="block"]...[/button]
The default value is grey, so you don’t need to declare it. Other colors are: yellow, green, red, blue, purple and black.
[alert color="yellow"]...[/alert]
[alert color="green"]...[/alert]
[alert color="red"]...[/alert]
[alert color="blue"]...[/alert]
[alert color="purple"]...[/alert]
[alert color="black"]...[/alert]
The default value is square, so you don’t need to declare it. Other type available are: round and pill.
[alert color="blue"]...[/alert]
[alert color="blue" type="round"]...[/alert]
[alert color="blue" type="pill"]...[/alert]
Text Align
The default value is center, so you don’t need to declare it. Other values available are: left and center.
[alert color="blue"]...[/alert]
[alert color="blue" text_align="left"]...[/alert]
[alert color="blue" text_align="right"]...[/alert]
Basic Usage:
[alert]Alert Box Text[/alert]
Advanced Usage:
Other options are:
> Width (default 100%) you can choose your custom width.
> Class: you can add your custom class
[alert color="yellow" type="round" width="50%" class="custom"]Alert Box Text[/alert]
The default size is 32px, but you can change it with the value “size”.
[icon type="twitter" size="16px"]
[icon type="twitter" size="32px"]
[icon type="twitter" size="64px"]
[icon type="twitter" size="126px"]
[icon type="twitter" size="256px"]
Post Formats
[icon type="standard"]
[icon type="aside"]
[icon type="image"]
[icon type="gallery"]
[icon type="video"]
[icon type="status"]
[icon type="quote"]
[icon type="link"]
[icon type="chat"]
[icon type="audio"]
Social Icons
[icon type="github"]
[icon type="dribbble"]
[icon type="twitter"]
[icon type="facebook"]
[icon type="facebook-alt"]
[icon type="wordpress"]
[icon type="googleplus"]
[icon type="linkedin"]
[icon type="linkedin-alt"]
[icon type="pinterest"]
[icon type="pinterest-alt"]
[icon type="flickr"]
[icon type="vimeo"]
[icon type="youtube"]
[icon type="codepen"]
[icon type="polldaddy"]
[icon type="googleplus-alt"]
[icon type="path"]
[icon type="skype"]
[icon type="digg"]
[icon type="reddit"]
[icon type="stumbleupon"]
[icon type="pocket"]
[icon type="dropbox"]
Meta Icons
[icon type="comment"]
[icon type="category"]
[icon type="tag"]
[icon type="time"]
[icon type="user"]
[icon type="day"]
[icon type="week"]
[icon type="month"]
[icon type="pinned"]
Other Icons
[icon type="search"]
[icon type="unzoom"]
[icon type="zoom"]
[icon type="show"]
[icon type="close"]
[icon type="close-alt"]
[icon type="trash"]
[icon type="star"]
[icon type="mail"]
[icon type="edit"]
[icon type="reply"]
[icon type="feed"]
[icon type="share"]
[icon type="attachment"]
[icon type="location"]
[icon type="checkmark"]
[icon type="menu"]
[icon type="refresh"]
[icon type="minimize"]
[icon type="maximize"]
[icon type="404"]
[icon type="spam"]
[icon type="summary"]
[icon type="cloud"]
[icon type="key"]
[icon type="dot"]
[icon type="next"]
[icon type="previous"]
[icon type="expand"]
[icon type="collapse"]
[icon type="dropdown"]
[icon type="dropdown-left"]
[icon type="top"]
[icon type="draggable"]
[icon type="phone"]
[icon type="send-to-phone"]
[icon type="plugin"]
[icon type="cloud-download"]
[icon type="cloud-upload"]
[icon type="external"]
[icon type="document"]
[icon type="book"]
[icon type="cog"]
[icon type="unapprove"]
[icon type="cart"]
[icon type="stop"]
[icon type="skip-back"]
[icon type="skip-ahead"]
[icon type="play"]
[icon type="tablet"]
[icon type="send-to-tablet"]
[icon type="info"]
[icon type="notice"]
[icon type="help"]
[icon type="fastforward"]
[icon type="rewind"]
[icon type="portfolio"]
[icon type="heart"]
[icon type="code"]
[icon type="subscribe"]
[icon type="unsubscribe"]
[icon type="subscribed"]
[icon type="reply-alt"]
[icon type="reply-single"]
[icon type="flag"]
[icon type="print"]
[icon type="lock"]
[icon type="bold"]
[icon type="italic"]
[icon type="picture"]
[icon type="fullscreen"]
Generic Shapes
[icon type="uparrow"]
[icon type="rightarrow"]
[icon type="downarrow"]
[icon type="leftarrow"]
The default color is grey. You can add your custom “class”, too. [highlight class="custom"]...[/highlight]
[highlight color="yellow"]...[/highlight]
[highlight color="green"]...[/highlight]
[highlight color="red"]...[/highlight]
[highlight color="blue"]...[/highlight]
[highlight color="purple"]...[/highlight]
[highlight color="black"]...[/highlight]
Sesame snaps jelly beans chocolate bar toffee chupa chups cake oat cake. Candy canes tootsie roll powder. Fruitcake candy tootsie roll donut chupa chups jelly-o liquorice. Croissant bonbon croissant applicake dragée icing halvah oat cake. Powder bonbon oat cake. Jujubes gummies lemon drops apple pie caramels chupa chups cupcake dessert. Cotton candy applicake lollipop halvah pie. Candy canes caramels cupcake cake tiramisu tiramisu chocolate cake.
Color Value: Grey (default), yellow, green, red, blue, purple, black.
Type Value: Solid (default), dashed, dotted, filled, double-solid, double-dashed, double-dotted.
Class Value: you can add your custom class.
[divider type="dashed" color="yellow"]
[divider type="dotted" color="green"]
[divider type="filled" color="red"]
[divider type="double-solid" color="blue"]
[divider type="double-dashed" color="purple"]
[divider type="double-dotted" color="black"]
The default size is 100%.
[divider width="20%"]
[divider type="dashed" color="yellow" width="30%"]
[divider type="dotted" color="green" width="40%"]
[divider type="filled" color="red" width="50%"]
[divider type="double-solid" color="blue" width="60%"]
[divider type="double-dashed" color="purple" width="70%"]
[divider type="double-dotted" color="black" width="80%"]